Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When It Rains In The Never Land, It Pours!

Wow -- I'm so super excited that today I received another request from an agent for Captain!  This time, the agent requested a full!

Right now, I'm doing a bit of hyperventilating.  And jumping up and down.  And smiling.  Lots and lots of smiling.

In honor of my Captain, here is another image of what some may think of when they hear the name Captain Hook:

This rendition bears a much more close resemblance than the Disney version I previously posted.

You can see the need for revenge curling on his lips.  Perhaps you will notice the sorrow in his eyes.

Don't be afraid Dear Captain, we will continue to travel this road together.

As always I will proceed with guarded optimism and dream a dream where my Captain may have the chance to sail upon the open sea of the Never Land, battle his nemesis, and avenge the death of his beloved little boy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

James's Road

James's journey continues.

Don't know who James is, you say?  Forgive me for not formally introducting you to my Captain.  James Sullivan III is a once mild-mannered book keeper who finds himself trapped in an eternal battle with the evil sprite who kidnapped James's only son and turned him into the first lost boy.

If this sounds strangely familiar it is because James is also known as Captain Hook.

This isn't James.  This is a picture of the Disney version of Captain Hook.  He is pathetic, to be sure, but this is not my Captain.  And Disney's version of Peter Pan is far from the one who starts the series of events which transform James into the most evil pirate captain ever to sail the sea.

I've been quering my novel -- Captain: The Birth of Hook.

I woke this morning happily to an email requesting a partial!!

James is a rather somber fellow.  He spends his days and nights wallowing in despair and plotting his revenge.  As for me, I will celebrate!  I hope something comes of this, but even if not -- at least I've come this far.

Cheers James -- whereever you are.