Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Release Day!

It's here!  It's here!

"One Night Witch" -- is now available from YoungRebel Publications.

Here's an excerpt:

Black hair, dark as midnight, hung down to the top of her ass. It was trimmed to perfection, not a lock out of place. Although her hair was long and straight, there was a slight curl at the end and when she walked strands of curved silk swished back and forth. Her tresses moved in the same rhythm as the swing of her curvaceous hips.
The view would be captivating to any boy Drune’s age. But to him, she was nothing less than mesmerizing. The simple act of her walking was utterly enthralling.
Drune watched Orelia with a singular intensity. All four of the Nightingale sisters were attractive, but Drune liked Orelia best. She had an intriguing beauty. Not your typical bleach blond, blue-eyed cheerleader type. Her dark hair, pale skin, and bright eyes took Drune’s breath away.
He’d followed her home at night a few times from the coffee shop where she hung out with her friends. When the moon was full and the stars shone bright, the silver flecks in her eyes sparkled with an inner magic. They seemed to grab the moon’s light and lock it away in the sea of green.
On a bright sunny day like today, she was no less entrancing. He walked quietly behind her, careful not to draw attention to himself, as he’d done so many times in the past. When he saw her stop and turn her head back to look at him, he quickly sat down on the closet bench. She turned around and he held his breath. She took a few steps in his direction.
He lowered his head when she was within a few feet, hoping she hadn’t noticed he’d been following her. The last thing he needed was for her to think he was some kind of freak stalker. Besides, a boy like Drune – born and raised on the wrong side of town – had no business being within a few hundred yards of a girl like Orelia.
Orelia Nightingale lived on Westover Street, in an area known as the hills. Only the wealthiest had homes up there. Huge estates of land enveloped miniature mansions. Bankers, attorneys, doctors. The cream of society lived in the hills.
Drune was about as far from Westover as a person could get. He lived in a cottage – more of a two room shack really – on the lower west side, across the railroad tracks from a string of abandoned warehouses that closed down in the early seventies. The people that lived in Drune’s neighborhood had nothing more than tiny plots of dirt with barely enough room for four walls. It was a run-down neighborhood long since forgotten by even the most well-intentioned do-gooders.
Orelia was way out of his league.
Drune tried to look inconspicuous by concentrating on the intricate design of the red brick at his feet. Each square –square – riddled with tiny holes – morphed into the next, creating a latticed picture. The image reminded Drune of an ancient Mayan mosaic. He was sure he’d seen something similar in Mr. Taylor’s ancient history class. Vague pictures of sacrifices to gods and goddesses were almost lost in the cracked and shattered cemented ground.
“Can I help you?” Her voice was soft.
Drune jumped when she spoke. He had no idea she’d gotten so close. He raised his eyes far enough to see the bottom of her legs. Her tight black jeans clung to her calves accentuating the curve of her leg. He wanted to reach his hand out and caress it, but dared not move a muscle. For a moment he wished he were three years old again, back then if you pretended you were invisible, you were. Right?


  1. Such interesting names for your characters. How did you come up with them?

  2. Thanks Kimberly! Names just come to me!! If I'm having trouble with names, it usually means I'm having trouble with the story itself :) Drune and Orelia are wonderful characters.
